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Lack of Sleep is A Lack of Discipline: Do Not Neglect Sleep

Updated: Jan 21, 2024

Poor sleep man is suffering at work in front of his computer

Many perceive the notion of discipline as an act of laborious endeavor. Yet, the truth is often hidden in plain sight. Have you ever found yourself cutting back on sleep, continuously for three consecutive days, in the hope of accomplishing more?

The Importance of Sleep

There is a prevalent misconception that sleep is for the lazy, and discipline equates to relentless work. This could not be further from the truth.

Multiple studies confirm that consistently sleeping fewer than eight hours can adversely affect both mental and physical performance.

Lack of sleep can lead to diminished cognitive performance, mood swings, reduced intellect, and creativity, thus impacting decision-making, problem-solving, motivation, memory, and learning capabilities.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Work Performance

A study by Wilse B Webb and C Michael Levy in 1984 revealed that reduced sleep predicts slower work rates and completion speed of basic tasks.

Simply put, sleep-deprived workers are unproductive workers. They tend to generate fewer and less accurate solutions to work-related problems they face.

The Task at Night Creates A Cycle of Poor Sleep

Many individuals, in an attempt to achieve more, resort to waking up early and working longer hours, viewing sleep as an enemy of productivity. These individuals often neglect to establish a proper sleep routine.

Oftentimes, undisciplined individuals engage in unnecessary activities such as watching an extra episode of their favorite TV series or mindlessly scrolling through social media.

Even disciplined and successful individuals tend to check and respond to emails or try to complete unfinished tasks until late at night.

The cycle of inadequate sleep continues as one chooses to work longer hours to meet their goals, complete work, arrive home late at night, wake up early in the morning, and eventually end up sacrificing sleep.

This creates a vicious cycle, trapping individuals in a loop of sleep deprivation and subpar work performance.

Lack of Sleep is A Lack of Discipline

Poor sleep habits are a result of a lack of discipline, a result of trying to fit one more activity into the tight schedule. Discipline is not only about doing the right things even when you don't want to but also the willpower to resist engaging in activities that do not contribute to your goal.

Ask yourself, 'Is this task necessary? Is it worth sacrificing sleep and tomorrow's performance?' Whether you're an entrepreneur or an employee, if you're sleeping less than eight hours a day, a roadblock needs to be removed.

The Impact on Leaders' Poor Sleep and Their Teams

Another study shows that when supervisors suffer from poor sleep, their employees become less engaged in their jobs the following day, even if they are well-rested. This domino effect demonstrates how the lack of sleep can ripple through a team, affecting overall productivity.

The Viral Effect of Sleep Deprivation at Work

Lack of sleep, like a virus, can permeate a workspace. If you're a team leader, your lack of sleep can influence your team members and result in subpar performance. Your lack of discipline in maintaining healthy sleep habits directly contributes to this unfavorable outcome.

Sleep, Performance, and Health

Sleep not only controls your performance, mood, motivation, memory, and learning capacity but also your health. If you're a team leader, it is crucial to not only take care of your sleep habits but also to be mindful of your team members' sleep habits. Failing to do so can negatively impact work accuracy and results.

Are You Tough Enough to Work Without Sleep? The Power of Saying 'No'

If you want to reach your goals efficiently, a full night's sleep is non-negotiable. If you believe in your resilience and ability, you can do anything, then say no to any opportunity that disrupts your sleep schedule. What needs to be sacrificed is not sleep but the obstacles that prevent you from getting enough sleep.


Sleep and discipline are intertwined. By removing the obstacles that prevent you from maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, you can achieve great results. Remember, the task you do late at night is likely not as important as you think. What is truly important is giving your body and mind the rest they need to perform optimally the next day.

In conclusion, lack of sleep is not a sign of discipline or hard work. It is, in fact, the exact opposite. If you're a leader, your sleep habits can impact your entire team, leading to decreased productivity. Therefore, it is crucial to break the cycle of inadequate sleep, establish a healthy sleep routine, and prioritize sleep over unnecessary tasks.

Embrace the discipline of sleep, and watch your productivity soar.


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