Life is a maze of endless challenges, and we encounter many problems along the way, from trivial daily life problems to more profound hardships. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you navigate life's obstacles with grace and resilience.
It Sucks But Don't Complain
Most problems can be extremely challenging. But don't complain, complaining doesn't provide any solution. Many people stuck in a negative cycle are constantly questioning, "Why is this happening to me?" or imagining, "If only I were..." However, dwelling on these thoughts won't resolve anything. If it sucks that you can't stay in that circumstance anymore. Seek out a solution instead of complaining about the circumstances.
Seek Out Solutions Rather Than Complain
Ask yourself how you can turn things around. When faced with challenging circumstances, asking the right questions becomes crucial in finding a way out. Our brains generate answers based on the questions we ask. Unfortunately, many people tend to ask limiting questions like, 'Why did this happen?', 'Why is it always me?', or 'If I had done things differently, would the outcome have been better?' These kinds of questions don't lead to solutions because they focus on the past and offer limited answers, hindering the search for solutions.
Instead, redirect your questioning to the present and future. Empower yourself by asking, 'How can I turn things around?', 'What resources can I leverage?', or 'What steps do I need to take to overcome these circumstances?' While immediate answers may not always come, you will notice your focus immediately shift from the problem to potential solutions, it creates a more constructive mindset.
Obstacles Can be an Advantage
Obstacles can be advantage when viewed from different perspectives. Instead of dwelling on the negative, ask yourself empowering questions like, 'Because of this obstacle, what can I do?' or 'What actions can I take that I wouldn't normally consider in this situation?'
Let's say you dislike the society you're in. Use it as leverage to explore opportunities outside your country and learn a new language. If your shower is broken and only cold water comes out, embrace the challenge by making it an opportunity to take invigorating cold showers every day. Even though it may be tough at first, you'll soon reap the numerous health benefits and develop resilience. Hate your job? Consider quitting and using it as a chance to travel, study, or even start your own business.
Rather than viewing obstacles as hindrances, see them as potential advantages waiting to be uncovered. Embracing challenges with a positive mindset can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.
Change Your Vocabulary
To perceive challenges as opportunities, it's important to change the way you express yourself when facing negative situations. Language holds tremendous power in shaping our emotions. For example, when someone upsets you, do you often use words like 'angry,' 'mad,' or 'pissed off' to describe your emotional state? These words can intensify the negative emotion.
Instead, try using expressions like 'peeved' or 'just a bit annoyed.' These words offer a different and less intense perspective. 'Peeved' doesn't carry the same weight as 'angry'; in fact, it may even bring a hint of humor. Adding 'just a bit' further reduces the emotional intensity. Saying 'just a bit annoyed' doesn't convey overwhelming anger and helps diminish the feeling. By consciously choosing different words, you'll quickly notice a significant difference in how you experience and manage your emotions.
Break the Limiting Belief
Breaking through limiting beliefs is crucial, especially when it comes to achieving what may seem impossible. Take a moment to reflect on why you believe something is impossible. Our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing, experiences, and the people around us. However, the truth is, that nothing is truly impossible if you commit and give it your all.
If you still doubt the possibility, try writing down your limiting beliefs and consider how they may impact you financially, mentally, physically, and in your relationships if you don't let go of them. Then, rewrite those old beliefs with empowering alternatives. Take consistent actions aligned with your new positive beliefs or seek guidance from someone who has overcome the same challenge you're facing.
For instance, if you believe that learning a new language as an adult is impossible, find someone who has successfully become fluent in a new language later in life. Learn about their journey, commit to daily language learning activities such as expanding your vocabulary, speaking at least for a few minutes each day, listening to a target language YouTube channel even if you don't fully understand, and more. Consistent action, combined with learning from others who have conquered similar challenges, will gradually shift your mindset until you realize that what was once deemed "impossible" is indeed "possible".
Motivation Doesn't Matter
Motivation is a powerful catalyst that propels us to take action and start something new. However, it often fades away quickly, leaving us wondering how to regain that initial drive. The truth is, that motivation is not always necessary to keep going. The key lies in taking action and persisting, even when motivation wanes.
Let's take the example of working out. Exercise may not always be enjoyable, but the decision to start could stem from a deeper desire to build muscle or lose weight. If you have experienced the pain of being extremely underweight or overweight and faced ridicule from others, you understand the urgency to change. The motivation in this scenario may not be cheerful but rather fueled by the desperation to escape the misery like ''I can't tolerate this any longer."
In situations where pain and discomfort are involved, the desire to find relief becomes a potent force. The choice to take action isn't solely driven by motivation; it's driven by the need to escape misery. In these instances, the will to alleviate pain becomes a stronger and more persistent tool than motivation alone.